Site Customized Campaigns

Pay-per-Referral, Site Customized Campaigns

C6 recognizes that effective clinical trial recruitment requires an approach tailored to each research site and their community. Our site-branded, locally targeted campaigns build brand awareness and trust with your site from the first ad impression.

Site Empowerment
C6 provides marketing technology, operations and expertise, customized and scaled for individual sites’ needs. C6 is a smart alternative to ‘one size fit all’ central recruitment campaigns.
We provide sites:
Working with C6

Easy to Get Started

C6 provides custom tailored recruitment solutions delivered locally for the unique needs of the site, while also supporting a sponsor’s study enrollment interests.

Locally Targeted
& Site Branded

Locally Targeted & Site Branded

Customized campaigns deliver the services each site needs, while also delivering the benefits that come with the scale and expertise of large ad agency.

Performance Focus

Performance Focus

Sites level performance transparency, allows optimized recruitment spend and faster, lower cost patient enrollment.

Sponsor Supported

Sponsor Supported

Transparency also satisfies the Sponsor’s need for return on their investment and helps high performing sites justify larger budget allocations.
C6 is pioneering an innovative market-based solution for forward thinking sites who see recruitment as a driver of business growth, not simply a cost center.

Control & Independence

Control & Independence

Sites take control of marketing, self-fund their advertising and partner with C6 on how best to spend those dollars to yield the maximum benefit for the site.

Aligned Interest & Rewards

Aligned Interest & Rewards

Sponsors reimburse sites for each enrollment into their study, similar to medical milestone payments, thus defraying, or reimbursing the site for their patient acquisition expenses.

Recruitment Reimbursement

Recruitment Reimbursement

Sponsor reimbursement is a ‘pass through’ payment for legitimate, fully loaded recruitment costs and rewards sites for their performance.

What is a Shared Risk Pricing Model?

When incentives are correctly aligned good things happen. C6 collaborates with sites to effectively build custom campaigns and scale recruitment capabilities, while also assuming risk on behalf of our client enrollment goals. Our pricing model and flexible terms ensure that we create mutually beneficial partnerships with our site clients.
C6 only invoices clients for leads we’re able to deliver.
No site cost for campaign setup, including creative, content and web development.
No site cost for management of media campaigns and digital media buys.
No site guaranteed payments, set-up fees, or fixed costs.

Sites may cancel or adjust campaigns anytime.

Pricing and performance that are aligned to site business KPIs.

Local Advertising Results.
Central Advertising Scale.

Sites are unique and so should their recruitment strategy. Too often central campaigns force a cookie cutter program on every site. Sites often don’t have the marketing expertise or size to go it alone and run digital (social) ad campaigns. C6 draws on a deep customer acquisition experience, as well as proprietary technology, to build unique, local advertising recruitment campaigns for every site we work with. This new approach delivers local results with the benefits of central ad campaign’s scale.